Eberhard Waffenschmidt, Patrick Littau, Christian Pelikan,
"Evaluation of syncrophasor use in distribution grids to estimate
the regional grid state",
ETG Congress 2017, Bonn, 28.-29. Nov. 2017.
It is known that synchrophasor (also "voltage angle") measurements
in the transmission grid can retrieve information of the regional power
grid state. This makes such measurements attractive for decentralized
grid components. If they could share information about synchrophasor
measurements, they could use the information about the regional grid
state for independent operation.
However, most of the decentralized components are connected to the distribution
grid in the medium voltage or low voltage grid. Therefore, we suggest
to measure the syncrophasor (also "voltage angle") at the device's point
of connection to derive such information. On the way to the connection
point of a device in the low voltage grid, this syncrophasor may change.
Therefore, this publication investigates, how the syncrophasor changes
on this way. This is done by simulations.
As a result, the voltage angle has a variation of about 1.5° in the
medium voltage branch and 6° at the end of the low voltage branch. This
is significant smaller than the anticipated syncrophasor variations
in the transmission grid of up to 60°. Therefore, the simulations give
an indication that syncrophasor measurements in the distribution grid
might be used as an indication for a regional excess or demand of power.
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